CENTRO ELEUSIS is a psychological institute dealing with Managerial Psychology, Sports Psychology and Educational Psychology. Within the area of Educational Psychology we are offering accelerated language courses through the psychological method called Hypnagology (Copyright).

We have been using the Hypnagological Method in Costa del Sol since 1990, with participants from all Europe and other continents. This methodology is a logical consequence of the Suggestological Method, developed mainly at the University of Copenhagen at the end of the 70’s.
We can assure that our Hypnagological Method of language training provides optimal results.

This type of teaching is not under experimentation anymore. The results of the learning speed in a relaxed way have shown how easy a new language can be learned, no matter the age, educational background, etc., of the individual participant. Including people who considered they were unable to learn a second language, (with dyslexic problems, “lack of musical ear”, “concentration difficulties”, and many other prejudicial myths) are now using perfectly well the target language through the Hypnagological Method.

In relation to age, persons from 12 to 82 years old have been participating in our accelerated courses since 1990. This implies without any doubt the efficacy of this scientific method. The optimal results of the courses have demonstrated through decades that any ADULT, from any profession or activity, from any educational level or nationality, is able to learn a new language in A VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME.


We consider “language” as behaviour, just as walking or running. And as VERBAL BEHAVIOUR, what we do while teaching the language is creating the habit of using it.

The main principle of the Hypnagological Method is to teach the target language in such a way that the whole personality of the individual can use it as a “tool” for communication within his/her immediate environment. That is why psychological techniques as Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) making use of visual memory, auditive memory and kinestesic memory, are essential in accelerating the learning process. At the same time, in order to acquire self-confidence in creating personal sentences in the target language and also to unblock as soon as possible certain prejudicial myths about language learning, we are using eriksonian feedback techniques, Transactional Analysis and Gestalt Psychology. Always depending on the personal situation of the individual participant. This means that the Hypnagological Method integrates itself to the way of learning of the individual participant. Functioning in a completely different way the conventional methods are trying wrongly to “integrate” the individual participant to their own “method” or “textbook”.

Working with the “wholeness” of the individual has shown time after time that the learning process goes much faster and the assimilation of the new material takes place without any effort.

One of the main ideas of the Hypnagological Cycle is that the more relaxed the person is in a teaching/learning situation, the faster and better he/she will reaccomodate all the new information into a habit. So first of all, we teach people to RELAX, in order to teach them the target language in a dynamic way.

In practice, the Hypnagological Method applies a continual positive feedback system, being the instructor the FACILITATOR and the MOTIVATOR. This approach is radically different from traditional language teaching. The participant is not going to be sitting there drilling language. The participant is not going to be sitting there and expected to learn a lot of rules by heart and to understand the grammatical structure of the language. All he/she is going to do is TO LEARN TO USE IT. By listening and by talking. We do not use descriptive grammatical rules at any moment. Instead of that, linguistic transference is fundamental in order to learn a new language in a LOGICAL way.


Language is VERBAL BEHAVIOUR, which means that language is COMMUNICATION. Learning languages is therefore a CREATIVE PROCESS. What the instructor does is to teach the participant to create. To create phrases, to create sentences, to create utterances, to create ideas.

Teaching a language is a question of giving the participant the relaxed condition and environment in order to enable him/her to speak spontaneously, in order to COMMUNICATE. The sentences come from the “heart”. The participants are going to be in a lot of unpredictable situations. Therefore, the instructor must teach the participant HOW to create his/her own sentences. INDIVIDUAL CREATIVE SENTENCES. That makes language a FUNCTIONAL BEHAVIOUR. It is something that the participant needs to function with, as a habit. We are teaching functions, social niceities and roleplaying, for example.

The type of courses we teach in CENTRO ELEUSIS follow these two main patterns:

IMITATION PROCESS: the participant is imitating and copying a model (instructor) and is also learning a great deal of automatic responses. Language is considered mainly as a habit. The goal of automatic responses used at the beginning is to introduce the participant into the habit of speaking the new language.
CREATIVE (generative) PROCESS: the participant is generating and creating his/her own responses all the time.
To reach the aim faster and more effectively it is necessary to forget the descriptive grammar. Descriptive grammar is an inherent part of language and a language cannot exist per se without the descriptive grammar. But it does not mean that a language must be taught following a whole pattern of descriptive grammatical rules.

Instead of that, the use of language transference is much more effective, interesting and even enjoyable, increasing radically the acquisition of confidence. Linguistic transference shows how descriptive grammar is assimilated automatically, on each activity, without practically any effort, and without the instructor explaining the theoretical aspects of descriptive grammar. The participant is learning the “grammatical rules” and its exceptions almost without noticing it. Exactly the same way he/she learned his/her own language. With the advantage that now, the instructor is continually giving the right feedback of the individual participant’s verbal behaviour HERE AND NOW.


This approach is very different from the traditionally used because here descriptive grammar is not considered as an essential part of verbal behaviour, but only as a supporter or as a frame of reference to enrich the ability of expression.

The Hypnagological Method gives us four main advantages:

  • The participant learns faster and in a relaxed way.
  • The teaching process is more dynamic.
  • The participant does not get bored with a series of grammatical rules which probably he/she will forget after a short period of time.
  • The participant is learning the language by acquiring confidence, and not by memorizing illogical and many times incoherent rules.


+34 620 796 057

+34 640 235 008